DAMA Phoenix presents Darrell Teague

American Express and online

18850 N 56th St
Phoenix, AZ 85054

Please register by April 2nd. Webex details will be sent the night before the session to registrants.
Thursday; April 4, 2024


8:30am – 9:00am meet & greet and light breakfast
9:00am – 12:00pm main session

Register Now!




JSON is now the de-facto data representation format for most applications, messaging, and data services. JSON Schema provides the capability to ensure that JSON documents conform with a known schema to help ensure data quality and to provide some separation of concern between developers and data architects where the latter are creating the schema. Often these JSON documents are stored as-is in a document database such as MongoDB for long term storage of messages/documents.


In this session we will discuss some of the key concepts of JSON Schema – especially for ensuring data quality, as well as key concepts and best practices for using document databases (such as version management) and lastly, design considerations such as when it makes sense to use a document database within the architecture.





Darrell Teague is a career developer, architect and principal consultant to Fortune clients. Before becoming Chief Architect at Ferguson Enterprises, he implemented a 750-company e-commerce trading network. As CEO of Subayai, Inc, Mr. Teague designs systems for and advises global companies on topics ranging from security to performance, systems integration and data modeling.



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