304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM


Past Events

To Register for this event send email to: DAMA Phoenix March Event

Hosted by:

  • Choice Hotels
  • 6811 East Mayo Blvd
  • Phoenix, AZ 85054


Click here for a map to Choice Hotels

Session Agenda

Cloud has become the mantra. Cloud solution providers are everywhere, and the touted benefits are amazing. Can you believe the marketing hype and is it true?- Can your enterprise deliver a cloud solution faster and at a far lower cost than a more traditional IT developed solution ?

  • Risks and how to avoid them (or at least have awareness)
  • Are there hidden costs ?
  • Data Integration is key !
  • Techniques to make your cloud solution successful

This session will help to define the cloud, and to provide a real-world perspective of cloud based software solutions. Data plays a critical role and there are ways to make your cloud solution a success.

  • Cloud Definitions
  • How to evaluate the risks, complexities and rewards for a “Software as a Service” solution
  • The steps you need to take in order to enable data integration with the cloud solution
  • How can you prepare – if it goes bad ?

James Bean is IBM SOA Certified, TOGAF 8 Certified, and is in the process of gaining Cloud Certification. James has authored five books and over 100 magazine articles on the topics of: data modeling, database design, XML, Web Services, and Global Standards. He is a sought after subject matter expert for Web Services, EAI/EII, SOA, and all things data and metadata. James is a US technology patent holder and he is also a frequently requested speaker for international, national, and regional conferences and professional groups.

James is author of the books:

  • SOA and Web Services Interface Design, Morgan Kaufmann 2009
  • XML for Data Architects, Morgan Kaufmann 2003
  • Engineering Global E-Commerce Sites, Morgan Kaufmann 2003
  • XML Globalization and Best Practices, Active Education 2001
  • Sybase Client/Server EXplorer, Coriolis Group Books 1996

James is also author of numerous magazine articles for: Real-World Decision Support, XML Magazine, Enterprise Development Magazine, Visual Developer, PC Techniques, and several others, and a previous speaker for DAMA International/Metadata Symposium (2009, 2008, 2007, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1998) and several regional “DAMA Days” and numerous local DAMA chapters, XML One International Conferences 2003, 2001, Sybase/Powersoft International Users Group 1998, 1997, Association of IT Professionals 2002, 2000, 1998, 1997, Professional Software Quality Techniques 1997, and many others.

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