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Past Events

Phoenix DAMA Presents John Ladley: Two Topics on Data Governance

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  • Host: Scottsdale Insurance
  • Western Heritage Insurance Co
  • 9200 E Pima Center Parkway
  • Scottsdale, AZ 85258
  • Park on either side of building, proceed to 3rd floor.
  • Call 480.390-5494 for Escort directions


  • Thursday Nov 8, 2012
John Ladley Picture
Click for Map to 9200 Mutual of Omaha New Horizon Learning Center

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Fundamentals of Data Governance Organizations

Assuming there is support, funding and the will to proceed, how do you actually build the data governance organizations structures and procedures? Are all organizations the same? There have been shadows of data governance within many information initiatives, but real data governance requires building new procedures, reviewing employee accountability and examining organization charts.

This session will cover the critical components for developing the data governance organization. Topics will be:

  • Components of the data governance organizations
  • Functions each data governance organization MUST execute
  • Techniques for determining the organization style best suited for a given situation
  • Developing the road map for how to roll out the organization

Avoiding Elephants – How to overcome major resistance issues to Data Governance

The majority of DG programs falter. A DG program that is going to run into trouble ignores critical success factors. Other times we make it to too complicated. In both scenarios, there is a tendency to step around controversial issues. For example, the “Data people” act as though data quality and governance are awesomely brand new sciences. The “business people” act like anything coming out of the IT realm is smoke and mirrors. Truth is, there is a set of common “elephants in the room” that data governance and data quality groups try to side step. But they are normal resistance patterns and can be managed, and even leveraged. This session will

  • Examine a series of “elephants”
  • Prescribe activities to deal with them
  • Look at real examples of them
  • Develop strategies to identify and deal with sensitive items

Speaker Biography

John Ladley is a Business Technology Thought Leader with 35 years experience in planning, project management, improving IT organizations and successful implementation of information systems. John Ladley is a recognized authority in the use and implementation of business intelligence and Enterprise Information Management. He is author of “Making EIM Work for Business – A Guide to Managing Information as an Asset” and “Data Governance: How to Deploy and Sustain a Data Governance Program.” He frequently writes and speaks on a variety of technology and enterprise information management topics. His Information Management experience is balanced between strategic technology planning, project management and practical application of technology to business problems.

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